My Creative Process

Seeing all the quarantine and zoom memes that are created on popular social platforms really inspired me to do this project. It was just amazing to see how students are still able to connect and create community despite being quarantined at home.
What I Learned
Through this project, I was able to learn that memes are extremely powerful and can both create community and divide groups depending on how they are used. In addition, memes are not necessarily the best when made on the spot. Sometimes, they come naturally when there is no pressure to make a product; therefore, bringing the nature of spontaneity in memes.
I used programs like Procreate and Premiere Pro to create many layers in order to create many funny and aesthetic GIF's
I used Word to add a picture of my choice or an online picture to create the base of the meme. Then, I add a text box on top of the meme to complete the product
Through hosting many interactive activities for my capstone, I was able to develop my communication skills with students in the Scholars community.